Season 1, Introduction Marlisa Harding Season 1, Introduction Marlisa Harding

“Let’s start from the very beginning, a very good place to start.”

I sit here writing this first blog entry feeling somewhat hopeful, somewhat apprehensive and somewhat as if we’re on the precipice of something important. Not that important like, the 4th grade social studies fair you’ve been preparing for weeks for; but the kind of important like, “If we get this wrong we could totally screw up a lot of people in light of eternity.” And that’s heavy.

This is heavy. Venturing out, sharing our stories, our experience, our perspective is heavy.

But so is staying silent.

Pretending like everything is just “okay” begins to weigh on you. Questioning people and systems while still smiling through the procedures starts to eat away at you until you either decide, “It’s time for change or it’s time to walk away.” Well, MANY (and understandably so) have chosen the latter. But VIP is my ode to the former. It’s my attempt to change the system, expose the brokenness, let Christ in the cracks because after all, it’s about His body.

I still believe in the CHURCH.

I still believe it’s the PRIMARY way people will come to know the love of the Father and the sacrifice of the King and I believe it’s worth working through all the brokenness, pain and confusion.

So here we go…SEASON ONE.

The VIP Podcast Introduction Episode

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